WONA: What does Pibit exactly do?
PIBIT: Pibit has created a digital platform for the local merchants where they can connect to potential customers in real time. Thus, solving the problem of low sales during off-peak hours by luring customers through real-time offers. In addition to this, Pibit also offers the feature of pre-ordering so as to save you valuable time and money.
W: What future do you see for Pibit from here on?
P: Well, we have been able to establish our market in Roorkee and parts of Dehradun without any kind of financial aid from anyone. After an extensive market research, we’re planning to expand to Tier 1 and 2 cities as soon as we get funded.
W: Recently you have been dilating to other cities as well. What were the challenges you faced initially and while expanding?
P: As far as establishing the market in Roorkee is concerned we didn’t face many difficulties given the fact that our team wholly consists of undergrads. Expanding to Dehradun was an uneasy task. Commuting to Dehradun from Roorkee and then back to Roorkee was quite hectic. Gaining the local restaurant owners’ confidence wasn’t a cake walk. However, the most challenging thing was building a team in Dehradun, because it’s difficult to manage a team when none of your core team members is actually present there at all times. The good thing is that even after these challenges we’ve managed to come this far.
W: What sets you apart from your competitors?
P: What gives Pibit an edge over its competitors is that most of its competitors do not provide real-time offers and pre-ordering features. That makes Pibit the only online platform that gives real-time connectivity, personalized offers, pre-ordering and home delivery all at one place.
W: What advice do you give to budding entrepreneurs?
P: It takes a lot of guts to start something new. There are all possible risks of failures. One thing that matters the most is how persistent you are? Nothing great is achieved easily. Set your GOALS, know your TARGETS, keep working until you achieve those targets. There are all sorts of people out there to discourage you. It’s a good thing though because the feeling of proving them wrong is exhilarating in itself. And it’s one the best boosters to move forward.
W: How do you think the administration can help promote entrepreneurship on campus?
P: The administration can be helpful in many ways, for instance, reducing the minimum attendance percentage required to take exams. Many foreign universities offer a no. of major and minor courses in entrepreneurial studies. Our college too can introduce such courses as electives. There are many projects that receive funding from the administration. In the same manner, good business ideas should also be sponsored. The introduction of Tides Business Incubator is a good start to a start-up culture at IIT-R. Steps like these are surely going to give rise to the number of budding entrepreneurs on our campus.
To share your start-up story with us, send it to watchout.iitr@gmail.com